We're Talking TURNS!
The key to good turn technique is PRACTICE ~ PRACTICE ~ PRACTICE! Practice spotting, practice body placement, practice a straight bottom leg, and practice staying high on releve'. Yes you can do all of these things in a tight spot in your home. Here are few tools some of our dancers have found helpful.
The Turning Board - This one is tricky because you don't turn on releve', but it is great for spinning faster and working on SPOTTING.
Turning Disc - This one you can go on releve' so we like it a little more than the turning board.
Finally there is the Dot To Dance. This one is a great tool for turns. It gives you the correct surface, keeps you from traveling during your turns and brings the dance studio to your bedroom! We cannot tell you how many times we hear kids say "I wish I could live here at Starz". Warms our heart to know they love dance so much, this will let them bring a little piece of the dance studio home with them!
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Moving on to all things Cheer!
Starz and MYF partner together to provide a cheer program for the community. Here are some great cheer inspired gifts for your favorite cheerleader. Some of the links are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, Starz will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.
The Stunt Trainer Stand is and excellent resource for girls who are flyers or want to be flyers. This is a safe way to practice balance and gain strength while at home.
Flexibility is also key to a good flyer. There is the stretch band that helps beginners with flexibility and the Stunt Stand Band that is for more advanced and flexible girls.
St. Nick is right around the corner (he comes the night of Dec. 5th). Here are some great items to include in your cheerleaders stocking.
Cheer Braclet, Cheer Hair Ties, Cheer Sling Bag for practice items.
The air track is a great item for practicing tumbling at home. We included this on our tumbling list, but it is worth including again on our cheer page.
Finally compression shorts. These are a great option to wear at cheer practice. Especially for girls who are flying. It is important that their bases can catch them and not loose clothing.
Womens Nike Compression Shorts - Youth Size Nike Compression Shorts
Perfect Stash Pocket Compression Shorts